Minggu, 23 November 2014

DesktopTodo 2.2.0

DesktopTodo 2.2.0 is out. You can download it here.

Below are changes since 2.1.2 :
  • Markdown support for notes
  • More organized task dialog
  • Token editor for tag editing
  • fix bug on synching large amount of local changes

Token Editor for Tag

Tag editing now get a new token editor from the previous plain text editor. The tag can be deleted added independently with support for auto-hint of the existing tag on the drop down list. Below are screenshots of it on task dialog.

And below is how it looks like on the inline editing on task list.

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

New Task Dialog and Markdown Support

The task dialog has been reorganized. It is now easier and more comfortable to use. The entry fields has been grouped into its relevant tabs to make common entry process more straightforward and less distracting.

Below is the screenshot of the new dialog on the first display :

As you can see the first it pops up, the dialog shows only organizational field e.g: folder, context. The date-time-related field is now can be accessed on the second tab below (Note : for keyboard lovers, you can switch tab using Ctrl+Tab) :

And for the note, it now sit on its own tab. You now have much more spacious area to put the support notes, journal and whatever else you want to put in there as you can see below :

 You might also see an interesting hint on the screenshot above, which is..

Markdown Support for Notes

The notes support, both the full note item and note field on task, now can render markdown syntax. It is a lightweight and portable way to add formatting to your notes. You can see the example usage on the screenshot below :

You can read about markdown here.

The above will be available on the next version 2.2 (which will be a free upgrade form 2.1). So, stay tune.

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

DesktopTodo 2.1.2

DesktopTodo 2.1.2 is out with many bugfixes. You can download it here.

Below are changes since 2.1.1 :
  • fix : bug on reminder dismiss and snooze
  • fix : scrolling on note field in task-info panel
  • fix : crash on synching subtask with missing parent
  • fix : encoding-related sync issues
  • fix : crash on editing right after initial sync
  • fix : avoid sync button being clicked again while synching still in progress
  • optimize clear-data operation

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

DesktopTodo 2.1.1

DesktopTodo 2.1.1 is now out. You can download it here.

List of changes since 2.1.0 :
  • fix several bugs on note synching
  • fix regression : broken layout on resize

Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

DesktopTodo 2.1

DesktopTodo 2.1 is now out. You can download it here.

Below is the list of changes since 2.0 :
  • Add option to auto run DesktopTodo on Windows Start/Logon
  • Add status count display : Overdue, Today
  • Add more fields to Task Info Panel : start/due date, repeat
  • Fix : closing when program minimzed caused the next launch show on the too small size
  • Fix : task selection parameters not refreshed if the program not closed more than 24 hours
  • Various optimization and bugfixes
Note for 2.0 Beta User : If you are currently using 2.0 Beta, you will need to clean config and data directory first as explained on this guide.

Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Added item on status : Overdue and Today

Status for overdue and today tasks has been added to status bar. You can now get an overview of your urgent tasks instantly. Below is the screenshot of them :

It will be available on 2.1.